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Merkezi Gradyan Şeffaf

Foreign Trade

Buying - Selling and Agency Services

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Distributorship Agreement: It is a type of agreement between the Manufacturer/Exporter Company (supplier) and the company that will enable the distribution or marketing of this company's products abroad. Its basis is the resale of the goods purchased from the supplier within the framework of the agreement rules.


Agency Agreement: It can be summarized as carrying out the commercial affairs of the exporter company on behalf of the company in return for a profit. It is based on the provision of a service within the framework of the agreement made with the exporting company.


Within the framework of general practice, the agency has the authority to sign agreements that will bind the supplier company. However, the agreements made by the distributor do not put the supplier company under any obligation. In this context, while the contracts for the sale of products in the agency are between the supplier and the customer, the distributors make the product sales agreements on their own behalf. Generally, the agency does not undertake any obligation under the sales agreement made on behalf of the supplier. E.g; The seller, that is, the supplier, bears the risk of uncollectible receivables. The exporter is obliged to pay commission to the agent on sales. The distributor, on the other hand, makes the sale independent of the supplier (on its own behalf). While there is control over the price in sales made through the agency, the supplier's price control may be limited in distributor sales. The supplier company determines the appropriate agreement type depending on the current/planned business volume, price policy, market information, risk preferences and personnel structure for the country.


The purpose of the agency/distributor agreement is basically; to define the relationship between the two organizations, to establish this relationship on legal grounds, to determine the commercial targets and ways of working, and to show how the conflicts that may arise can be resolved.


In such agreements to which the companies will be a party, the definition of the agreement, that is, the agreement made, should be stated as a distributorship/agency agreement. Since these agreements require a more detailed arrangement in terms of purpose and scope than other agreements whose subject is purchase and sale, it is recommended that the terms of the agreement be determined by carefully examining them. It is important that the agreement be written in as much detail as possible in order to avoid possible disputes.


Once the deal is done, it may be a good idea to test the performance of the broker before signing a binding contract. If you are not satisfied with the performance of the agent, it will be easier to end the relationship. When concluding a brokerage agreement, it is helpful to learn about the laws in force in the broker's country and consult a lawyer. It is useful to be especially careful about cancellation clauses. A text of thirty days' notice of cancellation is sufficient. No one wants to be legally bound for an extended period of time to a potentially hostile distributor or agent after a warning. In some countries, you cannot cancel the distribution contract just because you want it, as required by the legislation. Local laws may require you to take back unsold goods and reimburse shipping. Local laws governing distributor compensation provisions in the event of a cancellation require prior review. If a single distributor is used for distribution to many countries, the country with the most appropriate laws regulating distribution relations for the company should be selected. It would be helpful to have the contract signed after it has been approved by a lawyer or an expert.

  • Anlaşma Tarafları / Contracting Parties / Vertragsparteien
    Anlaşmada tarafların kimlik ve adres bilgileri açık olarak yazılmalıdır. Bu türden anlaşmayı imzalayan tarafların çoğunlukla farklı uyruklu firmalar olduğu göz önünde bulundurulmalı ve anlaşmada tarafların isim, adres ve unvanlarına, farklı ülkelerdeki firmaların bulundukları ülkelerin ticaret sicillerinden doğrulanmak suretiyle yer verilmelidir. Identity and address information of the parties must be clearly written in the agreement. It should be taken into consideration that the parties signing this type of agreement are mostly companies of different nationalities, and the names, addresses and titles of the parties should be included in the agreement, verifying the trade registers of the countries where the companies in different countries are located. Identitäts- und Adressinformationen der Parteien müssen in der Vereinbarung klar angegeben sein. Es sollte berücksichtigt werden, dass es sich bei den Parteien, die diese Art von Abkommen unterzeichnen, hauptsächlich um Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Nationalität handelt. Die Namen, Adressen und Titel der Parteien sollten in das Abkommen aufgenommen werden, indem die Handelsregister der Länder überprüft werden, in denen sich die Unternehmen in verschiedenen Ländern befinden.
  • Ürün Tanımı / Product Description / Produktbeschreibung
    Kapsamına giren ürünler, tanımları ve markaları ile anlaşmaya sokulmalı, gerekirse kullanılışı ve satış biçimleri anlatılmalıdır. İhracatçı, ürünlerinin tümü için aynı kuruluşa distribütörlük vermek istemeyebilir. O durumda distribütörlüğün ihracatçının tüm ürünlerine değil, belirli ürünlere özgü olduğu belirtilmelidir. İhracatçının çıkaracağı yeni ürünleri pazarlamaya distribütörün hakkı olup olmadığı, onun benzeri ürünleri pazarlamakta serbest mi olduğu da açıklanmalıdır. İhracatçı, satıcı/aracısına makul bir gerekçe sunarak imalatı kesme hakkını elinde tutmalıdır. Rakip ürünlerin temsilciliği ancak bazı şartlar altında serbest bırakılabilir veya tamamen iptal edilebilir. Bu nedenle rakip, rakip olmayan ürün kavramı açıkça belirtilmelidir. The products within the scope should be agreed with their definitions and brands, and their usage and sales methods should be explained if necessary. The exporter may not want to distribute to the same organization for all of its products. In that case, it should be noted that distributorship is specific to certain products, not all products of the exporter. It should also be explained whether the distributor has the right to market the new products to be issued by the exporter and whether he is free to market similar products. The exporter should retain the right to discontinue production by providing reasonable justification to the seller / agent. Representation of competitor products can only be released or completely canceled under certain conditions. Therefore, the concept of competitive, non-competitive product should be clearly stated. Die Produkte innerhalb des Geltungsbereichs sollten mit ihren Definitionen und Marken vereinbart und gegebenenfalls ihre Verwendung und Verkaufsmethoden erläutert werden. Der Exporteur möchte möglicherweise nicht alle seine Produkte an dieselbe Organisation vertreiben. In diesem Fall ist zu beachten, dass die Vertriebspartnerschaft für bestimmte Produkte und nicht für alle Produkte des Ausführers spezifisch ist. Es sollte auch erläutert werden, ob der Händler das Recht hat, die vom Exporteur auszustellenden neuen Produkte zu vermarkten, und ob er ähnliche Produkte vermarkten kann. Der Exporteur sollte das Recht behalten, die Produktion einzustellen, indem er dem Verkäufer / Vertreter eine angemessene Begründung gibt. Die Vertretung von Konkurrenzprodukten kann nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen freigegeben oder vollständig storniert werden. Daher sollte das Konzept eines wettbewerbsfähigen, nicht wettbewerbsfähigen Produkts klar festgelegt werden.
  • Kapsanan Bölge / Region Covered / Region Abgedeckt
    Her bölge açıkça tanımlanmalıdır. Bu tanım tek bir kasaba sınırlarından ibaret olabileceği gibi, herhangi bir ülkenin veya eyaletin bir bölgesi veya sınırları içindeki tüm alanlar da olabilir. Bunlar enlem ve boylamlarla da tanımlanabilir. Each region should be clearly defined. This definition can consist of a single town boundary or all areas within a region or borders of any country or state. These can also be defined by latitude and longitude. Jede Region sollte klar definiert sein. Diese Definition kann aus einer einzelnen Stadtgrenze oder allen Gebieten innerhalb einer Region oder Grenzen eines Landes oder Staates bestehen. Diese können auch durch Breiten- und Längengrade definiert werden.
  • Kapsam Sınırları / Scope Limits / Bereichsgrenzen
    Distribütörün bölgesinde tek yetkili olup olmayacağı, anlaşmada gösterilmelidir. İhracatçı gerektiğinde o bölgede kendisi de bazı müşterilere doğrudan satış yapmak istiyorsa veya aynı bölgede birden fazla kişiye distribütörlük verecekse anlaşmayı “tek satıcılık” ilkesine göre yapmamalı, distribütör kendisinin tüm satışlar için tek yetkili merci olmadığını bilmelidir. Ayrıca, kendi kanalından geçmeyen, ancak bölgesinde yapılan satışlardan distribütörün komisyon alıp almayacağı da belirtilmeli, distribütörün satış yapmakla yükümlü olduğu müşteri kategorileri de saptanmalıdır. Örneğin, sadece toptancılara mı yoksa perakende noktalarına mı gidilecektir? Süpermarket zincirleri hangi kategoriye girer? Bu tür sorular anlaşmada yanıtlanmalıdır. Whether the distributor will be the sole authority in his region must be indicated in the agreement. If the exporter wants to make direct sales to some customers in that region, or if he or she will give distributorship to more than one person in the same region, the exporter should not make the agreement according to the principle of "sole dealership" and the distributor should know that he is not the only authorized authority for all sales. In addition, it should be specified whether the distributor will receive commission from the sales made in its region, but not through its own channel, and the customer categories that the distributor is obliged to sell to should also be determined. For example, will we only go to wholesalers or retail outlets? What category do supermarket chains fall under? Such questions must be answered in the agreement. Ob der Händler die alleinige Autorität in seiner Region sein wird oder nicht, sollte in der Vereinbarung angegeben werden. Wenn der Exporteur Direktverkäufe an einige Kunden in dieser Region tätigen möchte oder wenn er oder sie mehr als eine Person in derselben Region vertreibt, sollte der Exporteur die Vereinbarung nicht nach dem Prinzip des "Einzelhändlers" treffen und der Händler sollte wissen, dass er nicht die einzige autorisierte Behörde für alle Verkäufe ist. Darüber hinaus sollte angegeben werden, ob der Händler eine Provision aus den in seiner Region getätigten Verkäufen erhält, jedoch nicht über seinen eigenen Kanal, und es sollten auch die Kundenkategorien festgelegt werden, an die der Händler zum Verkauf verpflichtet ist. Gehen wir zum Beispiel nur zu Groß- oder Einzelhändlern? In welche Kategorie fallen Supermarktketten? Solche Fragen müssen in der Vereinbarung beantwortet werden.

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